Launching Ceremony in Kenya
*Date: February 8, 2003
*Place: National park in Nairobi
*Co-organized by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and FGPE
In February 2003, FGPE started the campaign in Kenya targeting to plant one million trees in joint auspices of UNEP.
At the launch in Nairobi, Dr. Klaus Topher, Executive Director of UNEP, Environmental Ministers of various nations who participated in the Governing Council of UNEP, and Ms. Wangari Maathai, Assistant Minister of Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, (Nobel Prize laureate in 2005), joined the opening ceremony.
After the launch in 2003, the tree planting activities have been carrying out every year jointly with UNEP and FGPE.
By April 2007, 430,000 trees in total were planted throughout Kenya with participation of more than 20,000 school children, who also collected seeds and grew thousands of seedlings at nurseries in schools as environmental learning.
Japanese delegation planted trees with local children and visited schools at the Kibari slum to present soccer balls and stationary.